Anglican Samizdat

December 30, 2008

What is it about Durham?

Filed under: Anglican Angst — David Jenkins @ 12:22 am

First we had Bishop David Jenkins:

DAVID JENKINS, the former Bishop of Durham who survived a storm in the 1980s when he questioned the literal truth of the resurrection, has been banned from preaching in two of his local churches for swearing in the pulpit.

Jenkins, 81, was barred after using the words “bloody” and “damn” in a sermon. The ban came after complaints from members of the congregation.

Obviously he is a bloody idiot; and where did he get that damn name?

And now we have Tom Wright floundering in a bog of incoherence:

“The last four months, have done, in economics, what September 11 2001 did in the world of power: provide a moment when the abstract analysis offered by postmodernity suddenly became concrete.”

Perhaps it is something in the Durham air that befuddles the mind.

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