Anglican Samizdat

March 31, 2009

It’s fun being green when you are the US President

Filed under: environment — David Jenkins @ 9:44 pm

Canadians urge their PM to follow Obama’s greenness:

Harper urged to follow Obama’s green lead

The Harper government is being urged to follow Barack Obama’s lead and inject billions of dollars into green jobs and green energy.

This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for Harper to beef up a few things. This is how Obama does Green:Add an Image

US President Barack Obama has arrived in London for the G20 summit with a large contingent of the White House staff with him.

Hundreds of security guards, doctors, chefs and others are accompanying President Obama on his visit, and the entourage includes a number of presidential vehicles – including his new armour-plated limousine, The Beast, and aeroplane, Air Force One.

The 4,000 sq ft Boeing 747 is fully equipped for the president to work while he is in the air.

For Obama, to travel green means making the sacrifice of only using enough jet fuel to launch two four bedroom houses five miles into the air.

I expect the armour plated car uses a two cycle lawnmower engine, though.


  1. A 2 cycle lawnmower engine to push that tank around! Now there is pollution.

    Comment by Gawk — April 1, 2009 @ 5:21 am

  2. As so often with Greenies, it’s about talking the talk, not walking the walk. Talk it up, Mr Harper!

    Comment by Scott Gilbreath — April 1, 2009 @ 4:45 pm

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