Anglican Samizdat

August 16, 2009

The trans-gender police roadshow

Filed under: The fall of the West — David Jenkins @ 12:02 am

In a subtle move to counter their overly butch image, the police in the UK have come up with this:Add an Image

The trans-gender police roadshow spreading the word at a gay festival.

Dressed in matching black t-shirts and handing out balloons, these are trans-gender members of the National Trans Police Association.

They were pictured at the recent Sparkle 09 festival in Manchester’s Gay Village in a bid to encourage the trans community to report more incidents to the police.

I understand the next pioneering effort will be to dress like criminals complete with tattoos and piercing, get to know the criminal community, hand out ducky little switchblade and lock-pick sets and encourage thugs to give themselves up on their own.

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