Anglican Samizdat

January 13, 2010

Under Sharia Law everything is free!

Filed under: Islam — David Jenkins @ 10:00 am

Which, of course, is why Muslims are fleeing the UK for the greener pastures of Iran, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen – to collect not only their welfare benefits but all the free food, clothing and housing.

From here:

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has claimed he is proud to receive £25,000 a year in benefits from the British taxpayer because the money ‘belongs to Allah’.

The extremist cleric was speaking hours after Home Secretary Alan Johnson banned Choudary’s Islam4UK group, making it a criminal offence to be a member.

British-born Choudary provoked outrage earlier this month when he announced that 500 members of his group were considering marching through the Wiltshire market town carrying empty coffins to mark Muslims ‘mercilessly murdered’ in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Asked about receiving £25,000 in benefits, the trained lawyer said: ‘I am not doing anything illegal. If we were living under the shariah there would be free food, clothing and shelter for all.

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