Anglican Samizdat

January 31, 2010

Living the Vision in the Diocese of Niagara

Filed under: Diocese of Niagara — David Jenkins @ 3:07 pm

Like other Anglican Church of Canada dioceses, the Diocese of Niagara is in financial difficulty. Not only are numbers dwindling in its parishes, but whole parishes are departing for ANiC (5 so far), the diocese has to pay close to $400,000 in legal fees for suing departed parishes and now, finally, has to come up with back payments (around $54,000) for its invasion of ANiC parish buildings during the last 2 years.

It isn’t surprising, then, that Bishop Michael Bird is scrounging for cash: he has asked parishes that have not managed to pay their diocesan assessment to take out a line of credit loan – so that the diocese doesn’t have to – to pay their assessment. Since, contrary to common sense, ethical fairness and Christian compassion, Bird has always claimed ownership of the ANiC parishes buildings, he cannot be expecting parishes to use their buildings as security for the lines of credit. In the lawsuits against ANiC, Bird has attempted to lay claim to wardens’ personal assets, so he probably expects corporations to use their personal assets to secure the loans.

Anglican wardens in the Diocese of Niagara are scrambling to transfer all personal property to close relatives and there has been a run on replacement front-door locks.


  1. Sell the cathedral ! Throw in Wall as a bonus.

    Comment by Gawk — January 31, 2010 @ 7:09 pm

  2. So while the Diocese of Niagara is dwindling away the “Free Anglicans” which have now formed their new Congregation in Hepworth Ontario had a wonderful service this past Sunday. 11 people were in attendance, including three people who are under 13 years of age and another two who are teenagers. Two of these young people are now preparing for Confirmation and participated in the Worship Service by answering the first two questions of the Catechism.
    We have so much to do. The government paperwork to be a registered charity being at the top of the to do list. But also our first outreach is now getting started. We are collecting hand cranked sewing machines (non-electric) to send to Haiti. These will be distributed to people in Haiti so that they can work, produce clothing which they can then sell in the markets. The foot peddle sewing machines are too big and heavy and will cost too much to ship. Does anyone know of any hand crank sewing machines that can be donated? We need about a dozen. Please resond to this post.

    Comment by AMPisAnglican — February 1, 2010 @ 9:00 am

  3. Things must be really rough for Anglicans up in the Hepworth area if this little congregation is growing so fast. The top down management style of the ACoC and its insistence on making the local population accept their Ingham/Wall style views on churchmanship and theology has proven too much and the serfs are in revolt. It is so refreshing to see. They are renting an old Anglican church, now a recreation centre from the town, have no regular priest and have youth. I see this as the way of the future. Sadly so as many fine churches will become bingo halls during the ongoing collapse of the ACoC. But the vines are bearing new fruit and the old must go.

    Comment by Gawk — February 1, 2010 @ 9:50 am

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