Anglican Samizdat

February 15, 2010

Carbon evangelism

Filed under: Global Warming — David Jenkins @ 12:09 am

Or how to be a Christian pain in the arse.

Kairos is suggesting a Carbon Fast for Lent; it even has a calendar of suggestions.

Among them are (with helpful study notes):

Observe heat use at school or work and make a suggestion for increased energy efficiency.  Don’t mess around with underlings: take your concern straight to the top. When you go to collect your weekly dole, make sure you walk.

Reduce the idling time of your vehicle to a minimum or speak of your concern to someone who is idling excessively. Make sure you point out the excessive carbon footprint of the next idling police car you see.

If you have two cars, discuss becoming a one-car family. Resolve not to travel in a car for one day or one full week, whatever is a challenge for you. Convince your wife that she doesn’t need her car.

If you have children in your life, inventory their toys with them. How many do they actually use? Discuss, at an appropriate level, the negative effects of over-consumption.  Good plan: blame global warming on your children. They’ll thank you for it later.

Arrange for KAIROS to give a Carbon Sabbath Initiative (CSI) workshop at your church. This will stimulate church growth: by comparison, it will make the vicar’s sermons seem really interesting.

Inventory the amount of time you spend with loved ones. Decide to spend at least two days a month in 2010 enjoying activities that will bring you closer together. This could be tricky: after doing all the other suggested activities you probably won’t have any loved ones.


  1. It is so embarrassing and cringy, not to mention just plain wrong.

    I was emailed yesterday a piece about Christian Aid and climate change. It’s a long piece but very very revealing:-

    Climate Change Policy of Christian Aid: Nothing inherently Christian about it!

    This is all an example of one religion morphing into another.

    Comment by Stuart — February 15, 2010 @ 3:26 am

  2. […] is a cross-post from David over at Anglican Samizdat and covers the shameful, cringy and just plain wrong plan to fast carbon for […]

    Pingback by Carbon evangelism | eChurch Christian Blog — February 15, 2010 @ 3:32 am

  3. […] would say it’s just me, but at least I know I have at least one comrade in David over at Anglican Samizdat. If you have stumbled onto this blog and are not a Christian, get yourself a hot drink, pull up a […]

    Pingback by The Bishop of London, Richard Chartres, and the Bishop of Liverpool, James Jones, are among those calling for a carbon fast for Lent — a period ahead of Easter which Christians traditionally consider a time of penance and reflection — which be — February 16, 2010 @ 6:33 am

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